Look who I got to see a few days ago! One of my most favorite little customers – little Liam who is almost 1.5 years old already! What should I say, I love, love, love this little buddy :o) He was all smiles (of course) and just super cute and FAST, he sure made us work it this time, haha – but there are worse things than running after such a cutie :o)
I hope you guys all enjoy this little set. The photos were taken just around the corner from our house, gotta love the tall grass and that pretty little bridge.
Let’s start with one of my favorites from this shoot :o) Tell me he’s not wearing the most adorable outfit ever?!?!!!
Alrighty photographer-lady, let’s see if you can get me in focus while I charge right towards you :o))
Cutie <3
Oh hi there cutie in the field!! <3
Embracing the world <3
Oh no! Heart-breaker!
Boys and their rocky toys :o))
LOVE this photo of him:
Cutie leading the way <3
OMG!!! One of the cutest photos EVER?? I think soooo:
One of the happy family: